Google Bing Email Extractor Latest Version Free Download
When we talk about search engines, we essentially refer to two "colossus" of the sector, namely GOOGLE and BING. All websites in the world are present in these two search engines and therefore represent the primary source for anyone looking to capture data from the Web, especially EMAIL addresses.
If you want to extract EMAIL addresses and telephone numbers from Google and Bing, or rather from the search results presented by these search engines, you can now rely on our GoogleBing Email Extractor software. It is probably the most powerful and innovative WEB DATA EXTRACTOR because it relies directly on search engines to first capture the addresses (URL) of the sites listed in the results and then searches each of them for any email address and telephone number . Apart from this it is able to capture more details of the results like the site title and description.
Here are the simple steps to follow to use GoogleBing Email Extractor and extract as many emails and phone numbers as possible for given keywords. With this program you will be able to capture results practically from different countries around the world and not only from the results of the Italian search engine.
After installation, double click on the program icon:The power of GoogleBing Email Extractor is that the search will be done in all the locations (cap) displayed at the top right (tasks) of the program, in order to maximize the number of emails found. In addition to emails, the program will also search for any phone numbers (if published on the result site).
At the end of the search and data capture, just click on the Export Email (or Export Phone) button to save all the data in a txt file. Then you can copy the data into Excel and remove any duplicates or make other filters.
To maximize the amount of phone numbers extracted, go to SETTINGS and select the “Extract phone numbers from website” check-box. This setting will slow down data extraction because the software will also search for any phone numbers in addition to the email address.
In the event that the program were to close during data extraction, no problem. Always accessing SETTINGS, just click on the AUTO EXPORT FILE button to access a folder where you can find the export.txt file with all the data captured by the program.
NB: If you let the program work for several hours it is possible that Google may temporarily block the search. In this case you can continue to use the program by switching from Google to the BING search engine. Go to Settings, click on the CONNECTION tab and then select the “Switch from Google to Bing“ box. Then press OK to return to the initial screen and proceed with the data extraction.
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